cs101-Introduction To Computing- Solved Pass Paper
1.Vacuum tubes were replaced by ___
►Punch cards
►Micro Processors
2.Hexadecimal number system is based on -------------------- digits
3.Java script interactwith user through______________
►Special control
►Internet explorer
►Event handlers
►Java script does not interact with user
4.Which one is correct for JavaScript?
►All of the given
5.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, areknown as:
►Server-Side Scripts page 71
►Client-Side Scripts
►Super Scripts
►Form Scripts
6.The ______ is connected to all othermodules of the microprocessor.
►Control unit
►Memory unit
►Floating Point unit
►Arithmetic and Logic unit
7.WWW stands for:
►Wide World Web
►World Wide Web
►World White Web
►World Web Wide
8.Supercomputers are used in:
►Weather forecasting
►Aeroplane mnufacturing
►Atomic bomb experiments
►All of the given choices
9.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?
10.To display a checkbox on the web page, we use ___ tag
11.Users communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided by the OS.
12.OO software is all about _____________.
13.Web standards are being developed by
►World Wide Web Consortium
14._________are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed inpercentages.
►Line Charts
►Pie Charts
►Bar Charts
►None of the options described
15.A diode is a __________terminal device
►Two page 32
►None of above
16.Select the attribute of the <form> tag
►All of above
17.Ada, Countess of Lovelace developed first:
►Computer Program
►Analytical engine
18.Charles Babbage was a/an
►Computer Scientist
19.Detailed plan, specifying the required resources and expected deliverables, is done in________ phase.
►User Requirements
►Developer Specification
20.A computer program that facilitates thecommunication between the computer and aperipheral device is called___________________
►Operating system
►Language Translation
►Device Drives
21.To start an ordered list from 20 instead of 1, we will write
►<OL begin = “20">
►<OL initiate = “20">
►<OL start = “20">
►<OL from = “20">
22._________ is the best known builder for supercomputers.
►Cray Research page 21
23.Using COLSPAN, number of rows of the current cell should extend itself
►Both Upward and Downward
►None of the given choices
24.Interactive forms are always placed between ___ tag-set
25._________ manages the HW and SW resources (memory, disk drives etc) of thecomputer system, often invisibly.
►System Files
►Operating System
►Application Software
26.Speakers fall into the hardware category.
27.______________ software directly interacts with the hardware.
►Application software
►System software page 60
►Dynamic software
►Distributed software
28.In spreadsheet, which of the following function is used to solve theequation?05233xx=+−
►None of the above
29._______ is known as the best feature in word processing
30.In java script objects may have___________ properties.
►All of the given options
31._________are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed inpercentages.
►Line Charts
►Pie Charts page 154
►Bar Charts
►None of the options described
32.Small Computer System Interface is
►Slower and harder to configure then serial and parallel ports
►Faster then USB
►Both first choices
►Slower then USB but Faster then serial and parallel page 24
32.Vacuum tubes were replaced by ___
►Punch cards
►Micro Processors
33.Hexadecimal number system is based on -------------------- digits
34.Java script interactwith user through______________
►Special control
►Internet explorer
►Event handlers
►Java script does not interact with user
35.Which one is correct for JavaScript?
►All of the given
36.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, areknown as:
►Server-Side Scripts
►Client-Side Scripts
►Super Scripts
►Form Scripts
37.The ______ is connected to all othermodules of the microprocessor.
►Control unit
►Memory unit
►Floating Point unit
►Arithmetic and Logic unit
38.WWW stands for:
►Wide World Web
►World Wide Web
►World White Web
►World Web Wide
39.Supercomputers are used in:
►Weather forecasting
►Aeroplane mnufacturing
►Atomic bomb experiments
►All of the given choices
40.The ______ is connected to all othermodules of the microprocessor.
►Control unit
►Memory unit
►Floating Point unit
►Arithmetic and Logic unit
41.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?
42.To display a checkbox on the web page, we use ___ tag
43.Users communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided by the OS.
44.OO software is all about _____________.
45.Web standards are being developed by
►World Wide Web Consortium
46._________are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed inpercentages
.►Line Charts
►Pie Charts
►Bar Charts
►None of the options described
47. diode is a __________terminal device
►None of above
48.Select the attribute of the <form> tag
►All of above
49.Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer
50.__________ language is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs, but it isnot as flexible as the C programming language
►PASCAL page 131
51.What happens if I start a new list without closing the original one?
►An error will be generated
►A nested list will be created
►Previous list will end and a new will start.
►Nothing will happen
52.A computer program that facilitates the communication between the computer and a peripheraldevice is called___________________
►Operating system
►Language Translator
►Device Drives
53.AutoCAD falls in the category of _________________
►Engineering Applications page 61
►Graphics Applications
►Scientific Applications
►Business Applications
54.Tag used to make a Text Bold is __________________
►None of these
55.Which one of these is NOT an example of embedded computers?
►Microwave oven
56.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?
57.In which case Cache Memory is used
►To increase RAM speed
►To overcome BUS speed
►To overcome Speed rate between RAM and CPU
►To overcome CPU speed
58.A set of stand alone productivity applications designed to work together known as______________ .
►Productivity software suites page 84
►Compiled software
►Secure software
►Intelligent software
59.File handling in javascript is done ___________.
►In more accurate way
►In more easy way
►Both more easy and in accurate way
►Not at al
60.hich one of the following is a valid variable name?
►None of the given
61.An algorithm that always takesthe best immediate or local solution while finding an answer iscalled_____________________.
►Deterministic Algorithm
►Non deterministic Algorithm
►Greedy Algorithm
►Randomized Algorithm
62.xpression format in cell D4 is NOT correct.
63.User interface provided byUNIX operating system is:
►Shell / GUI page 68
►Command line
64.__________ language is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs,but it is not as flexible asthe C programming language
65.If type attribute of INPUT tag is set to "reset", then it will:
►Save all the data
►Set the shape of all the field
s►Set all fields to their default values
►Do nothing, you have to write code for it
66.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, areknown as:
►Server-Side Scripts
►Client-Side Scripts
►Super Scripts
►Form Scripts
67.The world first computer program was written to compute:
►Simple sequence
►Multiple sequence
►Bernoulli’s sequence page 9
►Increasing sequence
68.The key strengths of computers are
►Do not get bored
►All of the given choices
69._________ is the interface in computer that supports transmission of multiple bits at thesame time.
►Serial Port
►Parallel Port page 24
►Universal Serial Bus
►None of the given choices
70.Which of the following is NOT supported by PC's power supply.
►-12 and +12 V DC
►-10 and +10 V DC
►-5 and + 5 V DC
►All are supported
71.NOWRAP extends the __________ of acell, if necessary, to fitthe contents of the cellin a single line
►Width page 56
72.We need _____________ for memory management in computer
►Operating System
►Application Software
73.The first component of an operating system thatruns when a typicalcomputer is turnedON, is:
►Device Manager
►File Manager
►Device Driver
74.Speakers fall into the hardware category.
75.HTML pages are edited by _______
►MS Front page
►All of These
76.PowerBuilder falls in the category of ______________.
►Assembly Languages
►4-th Generation Language
s►Machine Languages
►High-Level Languages
77.Java script is an.
►Object based language
►All of the given page 96
►Interpreted language
►Event driven language
78.In java script objects may have___________ properties.
►All of the given options
79.JavaScript does not support_______________.
►User interaction
►Network operations
►Both Graphics and Network operations
80.__________ language is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs, but it isnot as flexible as the C programming language
81.__________ is the example of Shrink-wrapped software
►PIA information system
►WinZip trial pac
►MS Word
82.___________ refers to the firmware code which is run by an IBM compatible PC when firstpowered on.
►BIOS page 61
►Utility Program
►None of these
83..RTOS stands for____________________
►Real Task Operating System
►Random Time Operating System
►Rational Time Operating System
►Real Time Operating System page 67
84.-------- is an electronic path within a Computer Systemalong which bits are transmitted.
85.microprocessor can be made more powerful by increasing its ________
►Clock frequency
►Word length
►Clock frequency and Word length page 318
►None of above
86.Which one of these translatesthe program once at a time ?
►Compiler page 61
►Operating system
87.------- is volatile memory
►RAM page 25
►Hard Disk
89.British scientist named John A. Fleming made a vacuum tube known today as a diode. Then thediode was known as a "valve," Is it true?
►true page 14
99._____________ is generally measured in terms of the number of steps required to execute analgorithm.
►Time page 101
►Memory and time
100.Programs where no user interaction foundduring program execution are called __________.
►Batch programs
►Event-driven programs
►Graphics based programs
►None of the given
101.connector the following symbol is used:
102.After starting computer, which module ofoperating systemactivates first?
►Device manager
103."Every minute dies a man, And one and a sixteenth is born"said by?
►Alfred, Lord Tennyson
►Charles Babbage during lec
►Ada, Countess of Lovelace
►Babbage and Lord Tennyson
104.Human are better than computers at:
►Pattern recognition
►None of the given choices
105.Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer
106.URL is a/an ________
107.Mainframe Computers are also called _____
►Enterprise Servers
►Personal Servers
►Enterprise Managers
►Window Servers
108.Which of the following is NOT acategory of Mobile Computers?
109..Preliminary exploration of possible solutions, technologies, suppliers is called
110.__________ give us the abilityto manipulate data through reference instead of actualvalue.
►Data Types
111.Microsoft Word is a type of:
►System Software
►Freeware Software
►Shrink-Wrapped Software page 62
►Custom-built Software
112.The set of instructions that opearates variousparts of hardware is called shareware.
113.Which of the following manages the HW and SW resources of the computer system?
►System Software
►Operating system page 65
►Graphics Software
114.Application developers do not need to know much about the HW, especially the microProcessor,while they are developing their application.
115.Which of the following formula is used in spread sheet for addition?
116.Web Pages developed for human as well computer understanding are called as;
►Static Web Pages
►Semantic Web Pages
►Dynamic Web Pages
►Java Web Pages
117.Programs where no user interaction found during program execution are called__________.
►Batch program page 12
9►Event-driven programs
►Graphics based programs
►None of the given
118.In _______________, the software developer decomposes the problem into subsystemsand defines their relationships
.►Detailed Design
►Integration Testing
►Design page 137
119.A diodefunctions as the electronic version of a __________-way valve.
one page 32
120. What is the key feature of computer which is against human nature?
►Can’t get bored
.►Pattern recognition
121.The first --------------was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by WilliamShockley.
►Transistor page 14
►Vacuum Tube
►Punch card
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